Monday, December 6, 2010


Alas I couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot on my laptop, just another indicator that I need a Mac. I took these pictures of my two storyboards, but they are obviously alot easier to see in my sketchbook. My thought process while making these storyboards was to basically get a feeling from the provided pictures and let my imagination take over from there. It yielded some...interesting results with my first storyboard going from the stock picture of the four people walking through fog or smoke prompting me to make them into the sole survivors of a zombie apocolypse. In my second storyboard I took the picture of the girl alone in the woods and turned her into a lost child, who inspired a state-wide man (or child) hunt. I also took the stock picture of the man praying and made him a shaman who mistakenly asks the forces of nature with which he communes to "consume" the girl, and as such the second storyboard finds the missing little girl in the jaws of a ferocious bear.

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